Heeey! Good news! I entered a design into the Rhino Mania event that happening in Chester pretty soon (I entered this design about 6 months ago now!) and I've just been contacted to say I have a late sponsor who would like my design on a rhino! Which is cool! So there is my design up there! Its just a big old banana split! So I'm hoping it'll look somewhat bright & colourful somewhere!
Now the bad news is its a massive long 2 hour journey for me to get to the place to paint it, and I've only got 12 days to paint and varnish the mother-trucker...so yes, its a bit stressful, but I'll give it my best shot! I'm all prepped with paints and what not! (Not sure if I've got enough!)
I've also been down to Nottingham in the last few days to see the degree show of the Fine Art students, for my good friend Jen was in it! (The lady I did a tea logo for!) Her work was very clever and smart (which my poor old brain just couldn't comprehend cause I'm an idiot) But yes, theres photos of that show on the side there!
I always enjoy degree shows, especially Fine Art ones cause they're always quite fun and the work is certainly eye catching! Like, one of the pieces in the show was a dead turtle.... Yeah. That was odd. I didn't take a photo of that one out of respect. But my point is, that theres many a talking point in a Fine Art degree show and this one was no exception! I enjoyed it, it was fun!
And you can also look at my friend Jen's work at her website HEEEEEERRRRRREEEEEEEEE
And in other news I am currently obsessed with the Westside Story soundtrack aaaaand I'm reading Little Women. Woo hoo! And thats that!
Completed Rhino looked awesome Claire!