Sunday, January 27

Children's Picturebooks

Father Christmas delivered some very lovely presents to me over Crimbo time, and one of those presents was 'Children's Picturebooks' by Martin Salisbury and Morag Styles.

Its been a very interesting read, covering a number of topics, such as the history of children's books - naming a number of influential people from each decade, and discussing the development of printing methods used to produce children's books during those times.
The authors also analyse the different illustrative styles of picturebooks, difficult subjects tackled by picturebooks and how children interpret picturebooks; the book is also peppered with various case studies from professionals and students giving insights into specific aspects of creating your own picturebook.

Other subjects covered are printing methods used by picturebook makers today (including case studies from illustrators who print their own books) and a thorough explanation on the children's publishing industry (including information on how illustrators approach them with their work).

I really like the design/layout of this book, each section is laid out simply, using the space of the page to great effect. And I especially like the mix of typography used for the headings of each section.

Visual examples of illustrator's work give a burst of colour to every page and encourage the reader to look up further examples of that person's work. (I was Google searching quite a lot whilst reading!)

'Children's Picturebooks' was designed by Studio Ten and a Half and published by Lawrence King Publishing. This is a book I know I will come back to often for inspiration and information - naming a hoard of illustrators I will certainly be Google searching more of in the future!

I also fully recommend another one of their books How to Create a Portfolio and Get Hired, its pretty informative about all aspects of portfolio design and how to make it appeal to specific areas of the graphic design industry.

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