Saturday, March 28

Fairy Tales

I would quite like to do another little project that would be a sort of continuation of The Little Red Riding Hood animation I did in 2nd year. I'm not sure I'd have time to make a full animation, but it'd be nice to make some key frames from a fairy tale and put them in my portfolio.

I'm thinking of doing 'Sleeping Beauty', as have just read one of the more original versions, and think it would be quite nice to do. I think because my Little Red Riding Hood animation was absolutely influenced by winter and a lot of the decorations that are sold in my work, I thought I could choose a different season to work with, I'm thinking of depicting Spring, as it allows me to use quite bright and cheery colours....
(I thought I could keep with the whole Christmassy feel, and even though I think it would look nice...I really want to explore a different colour schemes, such as pastel colours. Green, pinks and yellows. I'm going to photograph some of the stuff in my work again and see if they can act as we're selling lots of happy Easter stuff at the moment.)
I've read Charles Perrault's version to give me a more traditional view of the story and mainly to try and get the Disney version of the film out of my brain because I KNOW that that will influence my work in some way, but I want it to be smaller way, not obvious.

My Red Riding Hood Animation

So its either Sleeping Beauty, or perhaps Cinderella....

And on another, completely different note, I have no idea what to get Andrew for his biiiiirrrrrttttthhhhhddddaaaaaayyyy. Boo. Oh the dilemmas.

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