Tuesday, July 7

Flakey Nails

So, hokay, I'm waiting for a call from a company called Daedalic Entertainment for a PHONE INTERVIEW this afternoon.

I'm scared.

Its for an internship, they make point and click adventure games (like the Monkey Islands and Broken Sword - man I want Broken Sword for my DS!), which is coolio, cause they use more traditional means of animating things, which I'm scared is going to become even more of a rarity in years to come because of this bloody 3D business - although I went to go see Ice Age 3 t'other day, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it; but this may be because Simon Pegg voiced one of the characters in it, and that just makes my fan-girly heart sing!
Anyway, the point of this post is to basically say I'm freakin' terrified. We shall see how it goes. I've never done a phone interview before so at least it will be interesting (and potentially very embarassing, oh well).

I've purchased a graphics tablet for myself also, as I've been relying upon my sisters for far too long. I tell ya, those graphics tablets are no cheap thing. Woo mama. (Which is why I had to just STOP myself from buying Professor Layton yesterday...I think I just like going into these shops to test out my endurance. I honestly stood there, with the game in my hand for about a minute, mulling it over. But one day I shall own that game. One day.)

I'm going to London this Thursday to visit my friend Sarah, and to hopefully see the amazing and stupendous Adam Buxton. Oooh. How exciting. And scary! I've never been to Lon-DON before. Ooooh.

So basically this is a week of trying new things, it would seem...

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