Monday, April 26

Tea logo

These are just a couple of screen shots of a very quick logo made for a friend! (Well not really a logo, just something to put at the end of her art filmios!)

Thats all I've got at the moment. Shall hopefully have more in a bit, as I have to do some research for games for the Ariel Trust (who I will be signing a short term contract with soon, saying I will be doing some FREELANCE work for them! Which is slightly suave I've gotta say!)
But yeah. Thats it. I painted a ceiling today and it was painful. But now its really white. Cool! (I sometimes think I if I could be a painter & decorator, maybe that can fall under some of my freelance work!?)
Oh yeah! And I also made Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry from my wagamama cookbook yesterday! And it came out pretty darn good!!

Mine looked way better than this one!
And I also made a pitta pizza today, which came out pretty good too! High five for Claire broadening her culinary skills!

Anyway. Thats pretty much it. Ideas are churning, things are being scanned, I just need to keep going!

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