Monday, August 29

Hey ho, come on lets go!

Heeeey Party People!
As you can tell I have been pretty busy the last couple of months being slapped in the face by the harsh world of work and realising how bloody well tired it makes you! But I have been enjoying my job thus far, I've learnt a ton of stuff and hope to learn a lot more in the coming months!

I haven't had much spare time to do creative stuff outside of work, but I am trying! I recently made a cuddly toy dinosaur for my boyfriend's sister as a 'Congratulations!' on passing her A-Levels! (Woo mama, those days seem so innocent and far behind now, I tell ya!)
So prepare for the surpisingly garish but still so slick (and please keep in my mind this is the first time I've made a cuddly toy dinosuar) HOME-MADE DINOSAUR!

Well there ya go! I enjoyed making her quite a lot, and I learnt how to sew sequins, which I feel is always a useful skill to have incase I lose my job and I can only get work as a seamstress at broadway musicals (which I think would be pretty impressive in itself!). But yes, I may make more in the future, who knows?

I also made a little picture to commemorate my boyfriend's graduation (he got a first in Mathematics!! How awesome is that!)

Anyhoos, there ya go, not much to show, but hopefully some more in the future! Seeyaaaaaa!

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