Monday, September 9

Japan Book Part 1

Phew, its been a while since I've done a blog post! I've been keeping myself quite busy the past few months with a side project. I wasn't going to write a blog post on it until I'd completed it, but well...I've still got a little bit to go on it at the moment; so I thought I would share the first half of this project!

Since I returned from my whirlwind trip to Japan in March, I've been focussing on creating an illustrated compendium of mine and Emma's adventures there. Its been a long process as I decided to hand draw and watercolour everything - and each page is kind of jam-packed full of stuff! (Which is the way I like to do things, but obviously it takes a while to do)!

The first thing I wanted to do was establish the style in which this book would be drawn in - which was a very quick task, as its just my regular style but the characters are shorter and more rounded!

I drafted out a layout and started thinking about page numbers and just how the whole thing was going to be written.

I made a couple of mini mock up versions!

Wow, I'm going through this quickly! I can assure you the next stage was a long un'! It probably took over 2 months to complete the drawing stage of this book (juggling work and social outings throughout, plus I took a month out to work on my E4 sting)!

Woo mama! It took a long time! I tried to draw buildings and such in a lot of detail - I was trying to convey everything as best as I could from memory and photos, I just didn't want to miss anything out!

So THEN, it was on to inking!

Which brings us to the stage I'm at now! I'm currently painting the last page of my book - its taken a while, but its been a whole lot of fun! I enjoy the spontaneity you can get from watercolours - and you can accidently end up with some very pleasing results! No pictures of this stage yet I'm afraid! But all in due course!
I'm coming up to near the end of this little (which has turned out to be rather big) project and I'm hoping the next time I blog about this it will be finally completed! (And then I'll be on to another little project that has become massive)! Hooray! So until then, Sayonara!

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