Thursday, March 24

Nerdy Nummies - Unicorn Poop Cookies

I discovered Nerdy Nummies in rather a long way round route. This was by watching an episode of Will Wheaton's TableTop, which is a pretty awesome show if you're into your board games and want to discover some new ones to play so I thoroughly recommend you give it a watch if thats your bag, baby (I doff my cap to anyone who gets my Austin Powers joke there). ANYWAY, the reason I found Nerdy Nummies was because the wonderful lady behind it all, Rosanna Pasino was on an episode of TableTop! Her channel is pretty cool, with a lot of geeky bakes that is bound to impress you at some point (she covers a lot of TV shows, games, films, as well as some actual science-y things)!

I was fortunate enough to receive Pansino's new book, Nerdy Nummies as a Christmas present, which is chock full of geeky recipes such as Phases of the Moon Macarons, Legend of Zelda Rupee sweets, and Gameboy Controller biscuits!
There was one recipe that really jumped out to me, which was the Unicorn Poop Cookies. They looked so magical and filled with rainbows that they HAD to be made. The simple but colourful layout of Nerdy Nummies makes it a fun book to flip through, but the clear instructions also make it easy to follow! (Apologies for the amateur photos clearly taken haphazardly in my kitchen)...

My Unicorn Poop Cookies didn't come out exactly like those in the book (lacking the graceful skill of Pansino in this instance) but I was still pretty chuffed with one they came out - plus they were massive!

Ta-dah! I'm overall really happy and rather excited to make more recipes from my Nerdy Nummies book and hope to in the near future - I have my eye on a delicious-looking dinosaur fossil cake covered in crumbly biscuit crumbs... oh yeah.

Note: I'm aware I took a rather large break from my blog last month, but I hope to now start blogging more regularly on the projects (baking or illustrative) that I'm working on!

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