Wednesday, September 9

"Oh Me Oh My"

And thats pretty much what I've been working on today. Cor crikey its taken a whileo to come up with a design that I'm happy with, so yay! Lets hope I don't change my mind for some reason! So yes, just a few other minor tidbits to do, and THEN...I can print it! Huzzah!

Have I done anything else today? WELL,...

not much.

BUT, I have primed little pieces of skirting board in our front room, preparing for the decorating session that will occur there at some point in the future! AND I hoovered. I was about to type 'hover', which to be fair, would of been waaaay more cooler than the cleaning one. Perhaps one day I will hover, maybe I should take up meditating? It would be just like in The Sims...


And then after I hovered I read some more of my god awful book that is starting to get so not awful. Which is really annoying cause then if I get into it, that means I'll have to buy the second book and then the horror will continue...cause its sort of an interesting story/plot...if it was just written better as I just find myself thinking about what I'll have for tea as my eyes skim over the text (I had chips, peas and a peppered quorn steak if imaginary people are interested...quorn is kick ass!). Yeah. Bad book.

Derren Brown on tonight! Yay! :3
So want to get stuff done before that comes on, yaaaaaay!

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